In a hidden corner of the world there is a place where all impossible dreams come true. In a rainforest amidst lush nature fragile porcelain animals can be found. Strange white stony creatures are born in wild river streams, birds with feet like human fingers hunt for flying fish, vicious spiders catch miniature dancers into their traps…This is a surreal world inhabited by creatures never seen before. Time here passes in a strange way moving in an unexpected paste. As the film is shot in nature the changes of light create a strange shift between the passing of time and the movement of the characters. Tropical nature, ceramic creatures, Estonian music and sounds of northern nature form a surreal world with bizarre sensation of seeing something unknown but familiar at the same time.
Classical Puppet
Year of production
Target audience
Produced by
Nukufilm OÜ (Estonia), Moon Birds Studios (Eesti), Estudio Carabás (Mehhiko), ArtShot (Leedu)
2019/New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival, Hokkaido, Japan, November 1-4 – JURY´S SPECIAL AWARD
2019/BIAF-Bucheon International Animation Festival, Bucheon, South-Korea, October 18-22 – SPECIAL DISTINCTION PRICE
2019/TIAF-Taichung International Animation Festival, Taichung, Taiwan, October 11-20 – OUTSTANDING WORK AWARD
2019/PIAFF-Festival International du Film d’Animation de Paris, France,September 17-23 – PRIZE FOR BEST SOUND