It is a great pleasure to announce that Nukufilm`s up-graded homepage is now available. Follow our deeds and doings both here and in other social media channels. Like, share and click as much you will! The news will be updated accordingly and the film archive is continually under construction.
We would love to thank Ilse Solleveld for her work and everlasting patience! Without Ilse`s help we couldn´t make it. If you need illustrations, graphics or help with webbing take contact with her company Solleveld & Toim OÜ. You won´t be disappointed.
Keep stalking!
Your hardworking Nukufilm team

We are very happy to tell that “Captain Morten and the Spider Queen” got its first prize in Chemnitz, Germany, at 23. Schlingel international children and young audience film festival as BEST FILM in the category of animation! There were 124 film from 51 countries in competition.
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